Professional, OSHA® HAZWOPER-Certified Deep Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting Services

Now more than ever, it is important to insure that business workplaces and residential homes are safe. All Jersey has been vigilant in following trends and keeping up with data that is pertinent to the businesses and homes of the people we serve. Safety has been our number one priority and, considering that we serve an enormous amount of business and residential customers, we feel that to not offer new and changing services would be a terrible disservice to all that we have worked with before. For those of you that know us, we have spent hours, days, weeks, and even a month or more remediating a business or home depending on circumstances. During those procedures we have spent countless hours explaining the reasons for performing many of the jobs we have done. All Jersey does not pride itself on having a great sales force, but on the fact that we provide professional services and information to people in need of answers.

HAZWOPER TrainedWhat is OSHA® HAZWOPER-Certified?
All Jersey is not a typical cleaning or janitorial service. We are certified in the OSHA® Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) program, which is certification program specifically designed for deep cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting services, clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.

All Jersey feels that we are at a great crossroads within the industry of business and household sanitizing and disinfecting. Viruses we find worldwide are also immune to all formerly known vaccines. The truth is that we are not allowing our bodies to gain the antibodies to fight off new viruses and diseases so that they may properly defend themselves.

So what are we seeing now? What are we finding out?  We are finding out that we don’t always have to worry about the germs and bacteria in our homes, but we do need to look a little more closely at disinfecting viruses and common household dust. Studies have been done that are showing that this dust contains a number carcinogenic chemicals from our normal household goods. One of the larger guilty parties are phthalates which are chemicals used to make plastics more pliable, and which are commonly found in furniture and other household goods. These phthalates are also found in flooring materials, and due to the fact that children spend so much time on the floor and then put hands and fingers in their mouths, they are at greater risk of danger than even adults. The side effects are serious.

All Jersey™ prides itself on not being alarmist in our approach to sales, and we will not have pictures of unhealthy children on our brochures to promote this service. However, it is something that should be done in all businesses and homes — especially where the most vulnerable live and work. These places should be professionally deep cleaned, disinfected, specially vacuumed, and the air within filtered with proper filtration. Then, every surface should be treated with a 100% all-natural and botanical antimicrobial. All Jersey looks to be an innovator in this field and lead the pack on treating your home, keeping your employees, customers and family safe. We look forward to coming to see your business or home and letting you know how we can make a difference moving forward.

Eco-Friendly School Sanitizing and Disinfecting Services

If you are looking to hire a company to sanitize your school, please make sure you ask about their OSHA® HAZWOPER certification. All Jersey is one of the few sanitizing companies in NJ that is certified in the OSHA® Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) program.

Business, Lab, Warehouse and Office Sanitizing

Protect your business, employees and customers with our reliable and professional deep cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting services. We follow all current CDC and EPA protocols to fight viruses, germs, bacteria and other harmful pathogens in any indoor space.

Home Sanitizing Services

All Jersey™ is OSHA® HAZWOPER Certified in providing home sanitizing services to protect your family and friends from harmful bacteria, germs and viruses.

Child Daycare Sanitizing Services

Childcare businesses are often unaware of the hidden dangers they may be exposing children to that go beyond the typical runny noses and damp diapers.

Contact All Jersey for a Free Estimate Today! 

Call: 973-885-8032 or email

Toxic chemicals in household dust linked to cancer and infertility

Scientists find scores of harmful chemicals in indoor dust including phthalates linked to developmental problems in babiesscreen-shot-2016-10-25-at-9-48-35-pm

Courtesy of Guardian US